Shelley Reed Memorial Scholarship
• A high school senior who is in foster care for at least part of their final year in high school.
• Accepted to an in-state (Maine) public or private institution of higher education.
Making a plan for saving is the first step towards making education after high school a reality.
Saving now will put you in a better position to pay for education after high school later.
Paying for education after high school usually comes from a variety of sources.
Find helpful resources for educators, financial aid offices, and other professionals working with students.
Use FAME’s online search to find Maine scholarships.
Learn more about managing your finances and improving your financial health.
FAME has resources to help you serve your students and their families.
There are things you can do at every stage to prepare for higher education.
FAME provides specific resources for New Mainers, Adult Students, Military Families and Veterans, and Employers.
Learn more about managing your finances and improving your financial health.
There are many ways to save for college. Learn more about options that may work for you.
A great way to help your child save for college. NextGen 529 is Maine’s section 529 plan which many Maine families use to save for college.
It can be hard to find money in your budget for college savings. These tips will help you find ways to save money.
There’s money available to help pay for college. Learn more about applying for financial aid and filing the FAFSA.
If you’re a Maine student who earned (or will earn) a high school diploma or equivalent in 2022, 2023, 2024 or 2025, you can attend Maine community college tuition free, but you’ll need to file the FAFSA first.
Scholarships provide free money to pay for college. Start your search for Maine scholarships here.
Use FAME’s Resources & Tools to help you afford higher education.
Videos, webinars, and more to help you serve your students and families, as well as professional development opportunities.
EPIC login and financial education resources to share with students.
For over 40 years FAME has helped Maine people reach their business goals.
FAME helps Maine lenders and their customers get to "yes."
FAME encourages investments in Maine businesses, both directly and through private venture capital funds.
FAME’s commercial loan insurance program helps lenders make business loans by reducing risk.
When traditional loans are not the solution, FAME’s business loans may be the answer.
Learn about key steps in the business planning and financing process.
Whether you’re starting a business or seeking financing for an existing one, learn about key steps in the business planning and financing process.
When traditional loans aren’t an option for your business, FAME’s financing programs may be the answer.
A collection of resources to help you plan and build your business.
This network of alternative funding and counseling agencies can help you start or grow your Maine business.
FAME’s commercial loan insurance insures a portion of loans made through participating financial institutions.
Quick access to the OLA log in page for existing OLA users.
Miss out on a webinar? Find recordings and resources for FAME Business Webinars here.
Quick link to FAME fees and rates for lender programs.
Provides tax credits to investors in community development entities that reinvest in businesses located in low-income Maine communities.
Encourages investments in small businesses by providing credits to outside passive investors.
Powered by iGrad® and Enrich®, FAME offers free online financial education to support Maine people during high school, college, and beyond.
Free resources to guide you on your path toward financial freedom.
Tools to help you support youth financial capability.
Resources to help your employees improve their financial well-being.
Our free toolkit can be used by anyone interested in launching a Financial Literacy social media campaign.
Improving employees’ financial wellness helps improve productivity and satisfaction. Assistance available to help you create a win-win program.
An interactive program that encourages high school students to explore the return on investment of various career pathways and financial decision-making.
Setting goals, creating a budget, managing debt and credit, and MORE! All great steps to help you become financially capable.
FAME provides free financial wellness programs to help Maine people become more financially capable.
Free Webinars to learn more about preparing for and paying for higher education, including refinancing student loan debt.
Invest in your child’s future and build money skills for life.
Play Claim Your Future – career & budget game or use iGrad Online Financial Education with your students, and more…
FAME has developed extensive resources for educators and professionals who support financial education in their school or community.
This roadmap has resources and support to guide the development of life-changing financial education for your employees.
Free flyers, videos, webinars, and more to share with your employees as employer-provided benefits.
FOR BUSINESS LOANS:Please call 1-800-228-3734, option 1.
FOR EDUCATION LOANS:Visit the FAME Loan Repayment Portal, and click the green “Register” button. Be sure to have your loan account number, your contact information (email and phone number), and your phone. These will be required to set up your online loan account.
PLEASE NOTE: You are being redirected to FAME’s online application system. You will not be able to save an application in progress and return to it later—once you begin the application, you’ll need to complete it. For this reason, we recommend you have all documents required to complete your application ready to upload (in .pdf format) before you begin.
PLEASE NOTE: You are being redirected to FAME’s online application system. You will not be able to save an application in progress and return to it later—once you begin the application, you’ll need to complete it. For this reason, we recommend you have all documents required to complete your application ready to upload (in .pdf format) before you begin.
PLEASE NOTE: You are being redirected to FAME’s online application system. You will not be able to save an application in progress and return to it later—once you begin the application, you’ll need to complete it. For this reason, we recommend you have all documents required to complete your application ready to upload (in .pdf format) before you begin.
PLEASE NOTE: You are being redirected to FAME’s online application system. You will not be able to save an application in progress and return to it later—once you begin the application, you’ll need to complete it. For this reason, we recommend you have all documents required to complete your application ready to upload (in .pdf format) before you begin.
PLEASE NOTE: You are being redirected to FAME’s online application system. You will not be able to save an application in progress and return to it later—once you begin the application, you’ll need to complete it. For this reason, we recommend you have all documents required to complete your application ready to upload (in .pdf format) before you begin.
PLEASE NOTE: You are being redirected to FAME’s online application system. You will not be able to save an application in progress and return to it later—once you begin the application, you’ll need to complete it. For this reason, we recommend you have all documents required to complete your application ready to upload (in .pdf format) before you begin.
As part of the application process for your private loan, you will need to complete a brief private loan counseling course on iGrad, a financial literacy resource provided by the Finance Authority of Maine (FAME). The course will take approximately 10 minutes, after which you will be directed to the loan application.